We felt like escaping the town and finding the beach so took a bus (which was included in the 24 hour bus ticket) to Barcola. The beach is not sandy but is perfect for a hot day because there are wo…Full review by Kathyleominster
Nov 22, 2022
Barcola je super místo v Terstu, kde narazíte na místní, ale i spoustu turistů, kteří buď zamířili do Terstu přímo nebo jej mají jen, jako přestupní stanici. Jsou zde perfektní západy slunce a večer…Full review by LVRRS
Jun 11, 2022
We passed this area on our city bus tour (which was excellent). The area stretches for a few kilometers and is interspersed with green areas which look ideal for picnics.Full review by William P