Mixed Reactions To Miami Beach’s Anti-Spring Break Ad

Fort Lauderdale and Miami Beach are enforcing stricter spring break rules, banning alcohol, coolers, and loud music. What to ...
Heads up to Georgia college students bound for Florida beaches: Many party hot spots are bringing down the hammer to prevent the disruptive and destructive behavior of spring breaks past.
Three of Florida’s spring break hotspots, including Daytona Beach and Panama ... list you read – but no matter where ...
But Miami Beach officials want to keep rowdy Spring Break crowds at bay. Lines of motorized carts are staged near the Miami ...
Miami Beach officials are cracking down on spring break chaos and disorderly conduct. Several Florida beaches, primarily on the East and West Coasts, allow alcohol consumption with some ...
HOUSTON – There was a post on social media focused on Houston being the new hot spot for spring break weekend. The media ...