Big changes are coming to the city of Des Moines' mosquito control program to help address a $17 million deficit in the ...
Hotter temperatures may render natural insect repellents less effective against mosquitoes, according to a new study.
"We originally thought it was dengue, which is a mosquito-borne virus ... "He recognised his mum last week on Thursday and gave her a big hug, but not long after he was unaware of who anywhere ...
While some parts of southeast Queensland and northern New South Wales are still on alert for flooding, others are starting the difficult clean-up ...
Lee County Mosquito Control District has a new way to lower the population of mosquitoes. The sterilized insect program sterilizes male backyard mosquitoes and doesn't require chemicals or pesticides.
You might not hear it or see it, but you’ll eventually feel it when the backyard mosquito bites. LCMCD started a new program to decrease the number of aedes aegypti, which we all know as the ...