Wispy cirrus are ice clouds When cumulonimbus clouds ... atmosphere with more moisture but not precipitation. Fog and stratus clouds Clouds are a result of saturation, but saturated air can ...
Often, these are fair-weather clouds that form when the sun warms the ground and the warm air rises. You’ll often see them on ...
High altitude cirrus clouds on a fine day in the Adirondacks ... If they grow vertically, extending into the anvil shape of cumulonimbus clouds, a storm is on the way. Stratus clouds lay like a ...
From cirrus wisps to stratus blankets to cumulus puffs, clouds generally look lighter than air, unless there's a dark nimbus cloud dumping rain on you. With an understanding of how clouds are made ...
Cirrus clouds that forms atop a thunderstorm ... If there’s enough moisture and lift, stratus clouds can create rain or snow. These are nimbostratus. There are a number of other unique and ...