Dreaming of a white Christmas? Just like the one that helped Lake Mead? Forget snow angels in Las Vegas. We’re talking water ...
Nearly two hours east of Grand Junction on a remote dirt road on the Grand Mesa is a nondescript, shallow, sage-brush-covered ...
As the year comes to a close, Donald Trump’s return to the White House poses a big question mark for those with a stake in ...
OPINION: We cannot operate based on the hope that the river will supply the same amount of water year after year in the face ...
Seven states are part of the Colorado River Basin. The Upper Basin includes Colorado, New Mexico, Utah and Wyoming, while the Lower Basin encompasses Arizona, California and Nevada. The Colorado ...
Lower Basin water managers say all seven states that use the Colorado River must share cuts under the driest conditions, while Upper Basin officials maintain they already take cuts in dry years ...
Top water officials for the seven Colorado River Basin states — Arizona, California, Nevada, Colorado, New Mexico, Utah, and Wyoming — gathered for the Colorado River Water Users Association ...
Opponents of the 88-mile Uinta Basin Railway — led by ... as two miles — on the tracks along Colorado’s Interstate 70, which follows the Colorado River for hundreds of miles.
It wasn’t pretty. Representatives from the lower basin states, such as California’s Colorado River Commissioner JB Hamby, said the upper basin didn’t make proper conservation efforts.