A serious car crash in Southbury has caused multiple road closures Thursday evening, according to Southbury police. Old ...
A man has been arrested after a road rage incident between two individuals Thursday evening, according to Southington police.
[Stay on top of transportation news: Get TTNews in your inbox.] The Connecticut Department of Transportation and law enforcement agencies launched a 91-day enforcement campaign running through May ...
The Connecticut Department of Transportation announced a $2 million initiative to improve road safety and reduce crashes on ...
Connecticut lawmakers are considering a proposal to add speed cameras to the state's highways because of continued issues with dangerous driving.
Gusting winds have knocked down trees in Connecticut, blocking roads, cutting power and canceling school for some students, ...
The Mystic Aquarium announced on March 3 that Chappy, the baby seal found on a busy Connecticut street on Feb. 16, is dead.
A 24-year-old Connecticut man was arrested after police said he threw objects at another driver and threatened to kill them ...
If you’ve ever been in a car crash, you know a lot can happen in seconds. State and local police accident re-construction teams scour every detail. Now, the ...
The Manchester Road Race Committee announced that it will be donating $100,250 from the proceeds of last years Thanksgiving day run to organizations in the ...