By removing centuries of soot, researchers have uncovered the stunning decoration of a sanctuary dedicated to the heavens ...
Recently, a team at the University of York has been investigating the pierced ears of Tutankhamun's burial mask. It's a feature ... they elevated the new state god, the sun god Aten, above all ...
Imagine a snake — coiled, elusive, and steeped in meaning — emerging from the depth of the world's cultural history to leave its mark on human imagination. Perhaps it's the rearing cobra, poised on ...
Born Tutankhaten, in honor of the sun god Aten, King Tut changed ... In 2014, King Tut's golden death mask suffered damage during routine cleaning at the Egyptian Museum. The beard, a symbol ...
This mask would have been worn by a priest during funeral rituals.Mask in the form of the jackal head Anubis, ancient Egyptian god of embalming and the dead. It is made of cartonnage, layers of ...