Opportunities like cruise ship hotels and train service sparked the imagination. But did they ever leave the station?
As part of the board’s vote, the county board also agreed it’s willing to entertain an alternate site to relocate the coal ...
The school district's land trade with the city is a final step in the consolidation of several district schools.
GREEN BAY - The city of Green Bay will purchase almost 12 acres of riverfront property as part of an agreement to help a ...
The piece of land, now home to the National Railroad Museum, has historically caused confusion about who owns it and who has ...
Forget the glam of Las Vegas and the rush of metro Detroit; the NFL Draft in Green Bay will feel like coming home.
The Green Bay Police Department released its 2024 crime report. The report shows an increase in crimes against persons, but a ...
The three-day celebration will test the limits of the city's capacity to pick up the expected large amount of litter and keep ...
In just over a month, NFL fans from around the world will trek to Titletown for the 2025 Draft, and Green Bay Metro Transit ...
Green Bay man charged with first degree reckless homicide and delivery of drugs for supplying a Freedom man with fentanyl.
The NFL draft has been one of the top preoccupations for Department of Public Works, according to its director during a ...
GREEN BAY, WI (WTAQ-WLUK) — More than 300 volunteers are needed for a day of environmental stewardship in Green Bay. The city ...