Gunther is the villager that operates the Archaeology Center of Pelican Town in Stardew Valley. While he doesn't accept friendship gifts, you can still give him donations for his Museum.
Some of the other Stardew Valley residents would make better partners ... Pic Part of me feels bad for Gunther, always being cooped up in the Museum like he is. Hell, you can’t even actually ...
A Stardew Valley player stumbles across a little-known detail 400 hours into the game, and their discovery happens at a ...
The Fossilized Ribs is a Special Item found in Stardew Valley. Long ago ... found on the normal help wanted board outside the shop. Gunther will put a request on this board for 100 x bone items ...
Barone is splitting his time these days between Stardew Valley updates and work on his next game, Haunted Chocolatier.