Talk about a tough line Cash had to walk ... beautifully that it is worth closing with his words: The realm that Johnny Cash lived in was clouded by pain and colored by grace.
And it didn’t stop there. Before that day was over, Johnny Cash apparently wrote up a story and ended up giving it to Billy Bob Thornton. The “Folsom Prison Blues” singer then signed the document at ...
The documentary tells the story of the Cash family’s multi-generational struggle with drug and alcohol addiction.
After meeting Johnny Cash at the Grand Ole Opry in 1965, Kristofferson quit the Army and moved to Nashville to pursue songwriting.
Johnny Cash has always been a disciple of the craft, and he proves that to be true with these three genre-bending covers of iconic songs.
Uncover the enigma behind "The Man in Black" with a visit to The Johnny Cash Museum. The museum boasts the world's largest collection of Johnny Cash artifacts and memorabilia, including items from ...