If they lose on the road to A&M, what else is there?" -- Josh Pate Pate thinks Texas would get in with two losses. But based on resume, he thinks there are serious issues with Texas' body of work.
“No, I really think it’s a dead heat out there.” Josh Pate may not be completely behind Texas A&M to make a 360-degree turnaround next season, he at least believes that they’ll be worth ...
Head coach Steve Sarkisian and the Texas Longhorns have put together another strong recruiting class. However, they have drawn criticism because they have not been able to get over the hump to win ...
With the Peach Bowl CFP quarterfinal between the Texas Longhorns and Arizona State Sun Devils just days away, the predictions are rolling in. CBS Sports' Josh Pate had some interesting takes as he ...
The Texas A&M Aggies may be capable of surprising some folks this season. "People aren't ready to wrap their minds around Texas A&M as a playoff team," Pate said. "This is not a start from scratch ...
During Tuesday on the "Josh Pate College Football Show," CBS ... a lot of you watched it on TV," Pate said. "And I'm watching at the end thinking, 'This is utter devastation.' ...
With anticipation continuing to build, CBS Sports college football analyst Josh Pate gave an early ... which sounds crazy," Pate said. "But Texas was right around there until the strip [fumble ...