Oda created Luffy's Gear 5 to add fun and silliness to the series. Gear 5 is Luffy's strongest form, designed to match his ...
Luffy's attacks have changed greatly as One Piece has gone on. Here's a closer look at how much they've changed.
Luffy's current peak power is Gear 5, his awakened devil fruit form enhancing ... his bones and make his limbs appear like that of a Giant. This allowed him to increase his power output and ...
One Piece just gave one Holy Knight a devil fruit power as broken as the Nika Fruit, setting him up as Luffy's next opponent.
Zoro’s attack ended up bisecting one of Onigashima’s giant horns ... including the Color of Conqueror—and pushed Luffy to enter Gear 5 after seeing it. Zoro’s feat is even more impressive ...