Luffy's attacks have changed greatly as One Piece has gone on. Here's a closer look at how much they've changed.
It’s hard to keep a long series exciting for fans, but Oda has managed to do just that with tons of intriguing things, and Gear 5 is one of them. Oda created Luffy’s Gear 5 in Wano, and he has ...
L uffy's Gear Five transformation in One Piece is undeniably one of the most iconic elements ever introduced in the manga and ...
Luffy, the protagonist of One Piece, is easily among the strongest ... For instance, Luffy developed Gear Second around the Enies Lobby Arc, along with Gear Third. Luffy managed to pump blood ...
One Piece's latest chapter reveals a new threat on Elbaf, setting up a perfect battle for Luffy's imaginative Gear Five powers.
One Piece chapter 1140 raw scans were primarily expected to elaborate on or better illustrate some of the less clear points made in previously released text-based spoilers. Unofficially leaked on ...
The latest chapter of One Piece brings us another set of surprises. Luffy meets Loki in Chapter 1130, and the latter mentions Shanks, someone the young Yonko admires. Loki notices Luffy wants to ...
One Piece chapter 1140 spoilers ... being a good crewmate, he and Luffy get serious, the former using his Advanced Conqueror’s Haki and the latter entering his Gear 5 form.