A brand-new Star Wars story has unexpectedly made use of an abandoned Anakin Skywalker/Darth Vader plan that dates all the ...
Episode VI - Return of the Jedi, Darth Vader redeemed himself by defeating Emperor Palpatine, but Leia still saw him as a ...
[Tobias Bartusch] has made his own Nixie tube, and instead of numerals it contains a 3D model of [Darth Vader], complete with moving light saber. Suddenly the world of Nixies is interesting again.
George Lucas’ original Star Wars trilogy sparked the ... were going to show Han Solo’s torture at the hands of Darth Vader on Cloud City in greater detail, but cut away from most of it.
On the run from Inquisitors and the Empire, this old Jedi Master will soon come face to face with Darth Vader. This series really helped blend the elements of the prequels and the original trilogy ...
The idea of Darth Vader’s dreams and nightmares forming ... Anakin has seen the events of the Star Wars prequels and original trilogy in a way that few other characters have.
Credit: Theo Wargo via Getty At 91 years old, legendary actor James Earl Jones is looking to step back from his iconic role as the voice of Darth Vader. After 45 years of playing the part ...
Anakin's transformation into Darth Vader is driven by love, internal conflict, and his emotional vulnerability. With 12 Star Wars movies, and more well on their way, it's time to definitively rank ...