O'Brien, Sona Movsesian and Matt Gourley appeared in the ... "I just remembered thinking, 'I'm pretty sure that our house will go.' And, it did not," O'Brien said. "But, just the number of people ...
"I went to sleep that night thinking, because we live in the Palisades, I just remember thinking, 'I'm pretty sure that our house will go.'" The O'Briens got lucky, however. ・Sona: Movsesian's ...
Conan O’Brien’s house is safe from the ongoing Los Angeles wildfires. The television host, 61, revealed that his property was not damaged despite being evacuated.
Conan O’Brien revealed just how close he got to losing his house during the first episode of his popular podcast since the ongoing L.A. wildfires broke out earlier this month. The former late-night ...
His house was among those in the Palisades that did not burn down, but, he said, “just the number of people I’ve heard from, people I know who lost houses is stunning.” Movsesian ...
Sona Movsesian, Conan O'Brien's assistant and a longtime comic character in her own right on Team Coco shows and podcasts, confirmed that she and her family was safe on her Instagram account.
His house was among those in the Palisades that ... which ripped through the East Los Angeles neighborhood of Altadena. (From left) Sona Movsesian and Conan O'Brien in Los Angeles in 2022.
His house was among those in the Palisades that ... including his podcast co-host Sona Movsesian. Video above: Journalist Ryan Pearson visits site of his home, which was destroyed by wildfires ...