Order 66 was a pivotal moment in Revenge of the Sith, but it was almost issued in Attack of the Clones - which would have ...
The history of the Sith before the Grand Plan is one of infighting, backstabbing, and blood. It began when a single individual, a rogue Jedi, tapped into the Dark Side of the Force to better ...
To mark the 20ᵉ anniversary of Star Wars, Episode III: Revenge of the Sith, George Lucas' film will be back in theaters on ...
Revenge of the Sith tells the ultimate lesson about best intentions and where they lead, and that’s why it might be the most ...
Walmart Collector Con arrives this week with a new selection of exclusive collectibles including the 501st Star Wars Black ...
In the Star Wars universe, the Mandalorians are known for their warrior nature and fighting spirit – and perhaps their most ...
LucasArts gave them a title, but no story direction. The studio thought of creating a game that would tell the story of Darth ...
How did the galaxy feel right after Order 66? A new 'Star Wars' novel gives a hit into the mood of the former Republic.
Episode III – Revenge of the Sith, Hasbro is releasing new six-inch Kit Fisto and Tactical Ops Trooper Star Wars: The Black ...
Revenge of the Sith / The Clone Wars General Grievous figure from Sideshow Collectibles stands at 16-inches tall in sixth-scale, it’s fully articulated, and it comes with loads of detail and ...
Needless to say, this is all part of the post-Disney canon that started off with the six original movies and The Clone ... Star Wars history by far. Numerous galactic conflicts, such as two Sith ...
The Star Wars Legion Shadow Collective starter set gets you 22 minis of the galaxy's worst - and you can now order it at a ...