A Han Solo blaster might be the ultimate Star Wars prize. Will it make more than $3 million at auction this summer? Find out ...
Daisy Ridley & Alden Ehrenreich didn't share any screentime in their Star Wars movies, but they're going to share a lot more ...
Production is set to start in April on a new film that will feature two Star Warsfranchise veterans in starring roles. Per ...
This post contains minor spoilers for "Solo: A Star Wars Story." Every "Star Wars" fan knows about Han Solo's not-so-humble boast about the Millenium Falcon, a ship that purportedly "made the ...
Alden Ehrenreich is Han Solo and Joonas Suotamo is Chewbacca in SOLO: A STAR WARS STORY. Credit: Jonathan Olley /Lucasfilm Ltd. The Legends of Star Wars live on in Solo: A Star Wars Story.
It’s fair to say that Solo flies into port rather less burdened by expectation than recent Star Wars movies. Anyone who pays even the faintest bit of attention to the behind-the-scenes goings-on ...
After hyping the movie up last night in the middle of the Super Bowl with a short teaser, Disney shared the full Solo: A Star Wars Story trailer during Good Morning America on Monday. As with most ...