A 5-year-old student was killed by a school bus as it pulled away from a bus stop that lacked a crosswalk or stop sign.
We have perhaps gotten too used to hearing about health care underfunding and staffing issues. But we can't afford to stop talking about it.
A woman is taking action to raise awareness about a crosswalk in a Las Vegas neighborhood with a simple sign asking a big question.Jill Parkinson zip tied the s ...
Two longtime crossing guards share the personal joys of working with kids and their strategies for conducting traffic in the ...
Concerned parents are hoping to raise awareness to what they call a major safety problem on Broadway Avenue in Blackfalds.
(Detroit Lakes, MN)--Minnesota State Patrol Trooper Jesse Grabow has another "Ask a Trooper" about where to stop at a stop ...
Jackye Anderson was inches from her 6-year-old brother when he was hit and killed by a car in 1997. He was crossing the ...