Using technology in your everyday life can help you to maintain your independence, keep safe, and stay active and involved. Technology used in this way is known as ‘assistive technology’. You may ...
Technology has revolutionized our lives, transforming how we communicate, work, shop, and even unwind. In a world driven by rapid innovation, technologies like artificial intelligence (AI), the ...
To cut through the hype, we asked 16 experts to judge 10 everyday technologies ... Hint: You’ll see this technology again. No expert considered tap-to-pay credit cards to be AI.
Here are five sentences in English on the theme of Technology in everyday life. Read them carefully before starting to translate. Remember that there is no need to translate the sentences word for ...
Translate the following passage into Spanish. I went shopping yesterday and I bought a new laptop. It has a very big screen. I like surfing the net and reading the news. I want to send emails to ...