and visual cortex. b Optical image of the 28 × 28 device array. c 3D schematic diagram of the artificial synaptic device ...
A new study published in the Journal of Affective Disorders shows that individuals with depression exhibit slower and less ...
Researchers identified two brain areas in mice that helped the animals learn to suppress their instinctive fears of predators ...
New research explores the many ways our sensory experiences overlaps, teaching us new ways the brain perceives ...
New research shows how the brain overcomes instinctive fear and has helped scientists get a better understanding of how our brains work.
Researchers have identified brain mechanisms that help animals suppress instinctive fear responses when threats prove ...
Researchers identified the mechanism mice use to overcome instinctive fear, saying it may help research for people with ...
Scientists discover a brain pathway that helps suppress fear, offering new hope for anxiety and PTSD treatment.
Coronal brain slice showing projections from different visual areas in the cerebral cortex to the ventrolateral geniculate ...
Researchers have unveiled the precise brain mechanisms that enable animals to overcome instinctive fears. The study in mice could have implications for developing therapeutics for fear-related ...