The top wallpaper designs for 2025 are as bold as they are beautiful. If you want to refresh your home, here are five trends good for any room.
Interior design experts and novices alike can learn from this simple guide. Wallpaper removal has never been so easy!
Jeremy is going WILD for wallpaper! James Decor designer Allyson takes Jeremy through different types of wallpaper that can help transform any space. From pasted to pre-pasted and peel & stick ...
To increase sales and profits beyond just selling paint and wallpaper, also provide customers with unique services, such as after-hour instruction classes in various home decorating mediums and ...
it has never been easier to create your own unique decor, to break away from normal standards and everyday codes. Wallpaper adds depth and texture to a room, enlarging the space and that's a ...
If you enjoy playing with bright and bold colours in your home, this wallpaper border from Stoff Studios is perfect. We love the idea of pairing the two shades in the wall and skirting board to ...
From a resurgence of retro prints to an explosion of florals, the latest wallpaper trends are as bold as they are beautiful. If you are looking to refresh your home, here are five trends that ...