Here in the West Midlands, around 34 per cent of homes get the reduction and you can see how each council area in this region and across the UK would be affected by using our interactive map below ...
This is the collection of West Midlands councils who have agreed to work together on major region-wide issues such as strategic transport, large-scale housing development and economic planning.
Nearly 90 per cent of households across the country will see their council tax increase by the maximum amount next month for ...
All upper-tier councils in the East Midlands, eastern England, the North East and the South West have proposed or confirmed their council tax increases. In the East Midlands eight of the region ...
Coventry has confirmed a 4.9 per cent increase, the only authority of the 14 in the West Midlands not to raise council tax to the limit or, in the case of Birmingham, higher, to the Government ...