Israel intensified strikes on Gaza hours after a ceasefire and hostage release deal was announced, residents and authorities in the Palestinian enclave said, and mediators sought to quell fighting ...
Negotiators reached a phased ceasefire deal on Wednesday in the war in Gaza between Israel and the militant group Hamas. Here is some reaction to the deal. U.S. PRESIDENT JOE BIDEN "I can announce a ...
U.S. Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen on Wednesday mounted a robust defense of the Biden administration's response to the COVID-19 pandemic, arguing that its stimulus spending led to robust growth and ...
U.S. President Joe Biden formally announced Wednesday that a deal between Israel and Hamas was reached, which would temporarily pause the fight in Gaza and see the phased release of hostages held by ...
行政長官李家超早上到北角東岸板道視察. 李家超一行聽取相關人員的匯報, 他又在場進行緩步跑, 及與市民傾談、合照. 東岸板道全長約2.2公里, 項目分兩階段完成, 西段屬首階段完成的部份, 長約1.1公里, ...
國家主席習近平應約同美國當選總統特朗普通電話. 習近平祝賀特朗普再次當選美國總統, 希望中美關係在美國總統新任期有一個好的開始, 願推動中美關係在新的起點上取得更大進展. 習近平強調, 作為兩個國情不同的大國, 中美之間難免會有一些分歧, ...
外電報道, 以色列政府內閣全體會議批准與巴勒斯坦伊武裝組織哈馬斯就加沙停火和人質交換協議. 以色列安全內閣原計劃在前日就協議進行投票表決, 但隨後又決定推遲表決. 根據早前公布, 以巴的停火協議將在周日生效, 分三階段進行, 以軍會逐步全面撤出加沙, ...
乾燥的東北季候風正為廣東帶來普遍晴朗的天氣. 本港今早相當清涼, 巿區氣溫降至約14度, 新界再低幾度. 火災危險警告為紅色, 表示火災危險性極高. 本港地區今日天氣預測, 大致天晴及乾燥. 早上相當清涼, 日間最高氣溫約19度, 吹和緩東至東北風.
康樂及文化事務署宣布, 由於元朗區天秀路游泳池發現有少量嘔吐物, 現已暫時關閉, 以便進行清潔消毒. 游泳池將於下午四時三十分重開.
警方表示, 留意到觀塘海濱花園晚上有較多青少年聚集, 去年第四季起涉及青少年的暴力罪案有上升. 為防止罪案發生, 警方在觀塘警區自去年十一月起加強在該區巡邏, 及在一月起展開反罪案行動, 昨晚至今日凌晨在觀塘海濱花園進行巡查, 警方人員帶同近日推出的 「依托咪酯」即俗稱「太空油」毒品的快速檢測包, 截查懷疑吸食「太空油」毒品人士. 行動中, 沒有人被捕. 警方表示, 會持續關注觀塘海濱花園的情況, ...
Vanuatu's Ministry of Health has declared a flu outbreak on Efate, the most populous island in the country, after a surge in cases at a hospital in the capital city of Port Vila. According to the mini ...
The outgoing head of the Federal Communications Commission said a massive Chinese-linked cyber-espionage operation against U.S. telecoms firms known as "Salt Typhoon" is a "clarion call" to address si ...