It is not surprising that Mt. Vesuvius is a common symbol of Naples. There have been so many paintings and photos of " 'a muntagna" over the years, it's almost as if artists and weekend snapshooters ...
"...we have seized lightning from the skies, but what lies just below us, the earth upon which we tread, where we live and die, is still largely a mystery to us. God ...
This map shows the extreme volcanic nature of the Campi Flegrei. This area was the home port for the Western Imperial Fleet. Besides the bay, itself, other smaller bodies of water were important as ...
Don Pedro Alvarez de Toledo was born in 1484 near Salamanca in what was not yet the modern nation state of Spain. By the time of his death in 1553, not only did Spain exist, but the New World was upon ...
Besides priming Naples for the great age of the Baroque, Don Pedro is widely remembered as the viceroy who tried to institute the Spanish Inquisition in Naples in 1547--and failed. As a simple ...
It's hard to believe that it's that time of year again. That's because it's NOT! It's only November 16. Think of all the great November 16 celebrations we used to have before they started pushing ...
Chiamata a raccogliere l’eredità imprenditoriale del marito, l’avvocato Giuseppe Maglietta, Marisa del Vecchio, lasciata la Scuola, ha avuto il grande merito non soltanto di aver preservato la Gay Odi ...
Si chiude alla grande il precampionato del Napoli Basket, che nel weekend ha vinto il Trofeo Lovari al PalaTagliate di Lucca sconfiggendo la Reyer Venezia in semifinale e la Bertram Tortona nella ...
Luna azzurra a Cagliari (4-0) come Luna rossa a Barcellona (4 vittorie a zero). Il Napoli si tira su imperiosamente in classifica. Terza vittoria consecutiva come non accedeva da un anno e mezzo (la ...
In un calciomercato reso scoppiettante dalla Juventus, placido dall'Inter ed estenuante dal Napoli, proprio la squadra azzurra suscita curiosità per il rivolgimento totale che cancellerà ...