The axing of some 10,000 programs has consigned untold numbers of children and refugees to death, officials say. Documents and interviews reveal that the State Department appears to have made the cuts without the careful review it described in court.
President Donald Trump's decision ... that this is a big part (of AIDS relief funding). If it goes away, people are going to die." The US move included a 90-day suspension of all work by the President's Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief (PEPFAR).
In South Africa alone, US funding halts could lead to 500,000 deaths in the next 10 years, an official of the Desmond Tutu HIV Center said on Thursday. The warning comes as countr
The Trump administration has terminated funding for HIV, malaria and maternal health programs it had labeled lifesaving.
Following Donald Trump’s funding freeze on HIV treatment and other health programmes, Kenya faces critical decisions in sustaining these initiatives.
President Donald ... AIDS relief efforts and that the loss of this support could result in significant loss of life. Specifically, Byanyima warned that the halt of the President's Emergency Plan ...