“The impacts to storm damage protection are minimal if ... the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers to study the condition of the breakwaters and repair them. The House State Government and Elections ...
To improve safety and resiliency, the federal government and the Town of Cobourg are investing $19.5 million to rebuild the Cobourg Harbour ...
Researchers from the Singapore Institute of Technology have investigated the performance of new floating breakwaters (FBs) integrating wave energy converters (WECs). The breakwaters are intended ...
Work to update the breakwaters will include removing the ... The new rock armour will weather wave action and storm surges for decades. An upgraded double layer seawall at Monk's Cove Park will ...
Plantings at the base of the bridge pillars would help break storm waves. They propose using floating breakwaters that rise and fall with the water line to dissipate waves and protect housing ...