La Catedral de Barcelona fa valdre el seu posicionament cèntric a la ciutat per explorar una funció més turística que religiosa. Si l’estiu passat va obrir al públic les seves terrasses, que s’han con ...
Jade Gartshore, originally from Leicester, has taken to TikTok to express her adoration for Murcia, the city she now calls ...
L'actualitat d'aquest dimarts passa pel ple monogràfic centrat en el desgavell de Rodalies arriba al Parlament de Catalunya.
The city is often referred to as "La Huerta" due to its surrounding orchards, which contribute to its picturesque landscape, ...
Jade Gartshore took to TikTok to share her love for the city of Murcia - the capital of the Region of Murcia in south-eastern ...
A Brit explains why she is in love with a Spanish city that doesn't get as much love as Barcelona, Seville or Malaga. However ...
I love that people don't really come here, and it is a very specific place because I feel like if I lived in Barcelona or something ... Baroque architecture at Catedral de Murcia and climb ...
Marguerite Duras escriu. Aquesta mestra, aquesta amiga d’unes nits dels setanta a Barcelona escriu. Aquesta dona que ha ...