Beef-on-dairy crossbreeding is the latest step in the evolution of dairy genetics and is now a key driver of the U.S. supply ...
By Gabriella Sotelo for Sentient. Broadcast version by Suzanne Potter for California News Service reporting for the ...
The Federal Government's new climate reporting laws are likely to force a lot of cattle companies spend millions on reporting ...
In its monthly Cattle on Feed Report, the Agriculture Department said Friday new placements were only 1.7% higher than this time last year, at 1.82 million head. That is less than half of the ...
Friday’s afternoon’s cattle on Feed report is expected to show a drop of 0.8% from the year prior as of February 1. Placements in January are expected to be up 2.2%, with marketings up 2.1%.
Placements of U.S. cattle onto feedlots were lower than forecast by analysts surveyed by The Wall Street Journal. In its monthly Cattle on Feed Report, the Agriculture Department said Friday new ...
For the week ending Feb. 22, western Canadian feeder cattle markets traded steady to $5 higher on average compared to seven days earlier.
Friday’s afternoon’s cattle on Feed report is expected to show a drop of 0.8% from the year prior as of February 1. Placements in January are expected to be up 2.2%, with marketings up 2.1%.
According to the January Cattle on Feed report, on-feed inventory to start the year was estimated at a little over 11.8 million head, which is down by just under 1 percent from January of 2024.
The beef trade has kicked on another 5c to 10c/kg this week for bullocks and heifers. Bullocks are working off a €6.55/kg base price this week, with heifers trading for as high as €6.65/kg base price.
Lower feed costs and strong beef prices have also encouraged feeders to push cattle to heavier weights more broadly, meaning these gains aren’t solely driven by beef-on-dairy crossbreeding.
April live cattle futures (LEJ25) fell to a nine-week low of $193.025 a hundredweight and prices have been trending lower after scoring a contract high of $207.725 on Jan. 28. In late January, nearby ...