Free agents? Trade? Offer sheets? — Rich T. I never heard Briere use that specific phrase, but he did leave open the door to the Flyers being aggressive this summer with their newfound cap ...
LITTLE ROCK, Ark. (KARK) — Frequent flyers woke up to some turbulence on Tuesday morning after finding out the iconic “Bags fly free” slogan for Southwest Airlines is being retired.
The Flyers enter Thursday night’s game against the Tampa Bay Lightning with the dark cloud of five straight losses looming ...
He’s been limited to 22 games as the Flyers rely on their younger defensemen. He may not play much with the Avalanche, either. “If you want me to shovel snow (off the ice) in between whistles ...
The resurgent Ottawa Senators will aim for their fourth straight victory on Tuesday when they visit the scuffling Philadelphia Flyers.
Owen Tippett scored the decisive shootout goal as the Philadelphia Flyers picked up a badly needed home victory by defeating the Tampa Bay Lightning 4-3 on Thursday.
LITTLE ROCK, Ark. (KARK) — Frequent flyers woke up to some turbulence on Tuesday morning after finding out the iconic “Bags fly free” slogan for Southwest Airlines is being retired. The company will ...