In MonsterVerse, MUTO Prime evolves to be Godzilla's ultimate nemesis, using his species to procreate in a disgusting manner. MUTOs in Godzilla's world are unique as they spread like an invasive ...
It's enough to make us check in on the MonsterVerse, the collection of inter ... boy who breathes ice and might have been the first Titan ever. Godzilla even upgrades his whole deal by hibernating ...
Fortnite players recently faced off against Galactus and Doctor Doom. Now, the ultimate challenge seems to have arrived.
Nine titans possess serious Attack on Titan powers, passed down from Ymir Fritz, making each one unique. Pure Titans rely on ravenous hunger, posing a threat despite having no special powers.
Over the weekend those who played the ever-popular Battle Royale mode in Fortnite had a chance to have a unique Monsterverse ...
The new installment in the Monsterverse puts the mighty Kong and ... this film will explore the ancient Titan battle that brought man and monster together forever.
Have you ever seen a six-legged Triceratops? Or one that fought Godzilla? Gareth Edwards did, and we can get a clear look at ...