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15 Worst Things Frodo Did in The Lord of the Rings
Frodo has always been a hero in The Lord of the Rings, but there were still moments where his actions were questionable at ...
Por el momento, no se ha anunciado a quién interpretará Holland en la cinta. Lo único que se sabe es que Matt Damon será ...
MADRID, 13 Mar. (CulturaOcio) - La Odisea, el ambicioso proyecto con el que Christopher Nolan adaptará el clásico de Homero, ...
How a scene in Peter Jackson's The Fellowship of the Ring still terrifies audiences today even though it features the two most wholesome characters.
We go to the movies for all kinds of reasons. To laugh, to scream, to cheer. But sometimes, there comes a film that leaves us ...
The Hero's Journey, a concept popularized by Joseph Campbell in his book "The Hero with a Thousand Faces." It is a universal ...
Here are 17 otherwise impressive films that were ruined by their endings… ...
All of which culminated in a shocking Best Picture reveal at the 71st Oscars, where “Saving Private Ryan,” was widely ...
"I went for science, physics and math and that was a time when they said, 'Oh, women, they're not going to be good at math.' ...
La ROSS, bajo la dirección del maestro Shih-Hung Youn, y las voces acompañantes bordan un espectáculo que será recordado por ...
As the conflicts dominated the daily news cycle, filmmakers behind Porcelain War and No Other Land use hope and outrage to ignite support throughout their Oscar campaigns ...