Narrated by Ethan Hawke, the docuseries combines vivid footage of battles with interviews with people who fought on both ...
Though both U.S. Army leaders and journalists have meticulously documented how the Battle of Mogadishu unfolded decades ago, Netflix is bringing something new to our memory of the incident.
An era-appropriate melody plays as photographs move slowly across the screen and a voice reads heartfelt letters written ...
One was a filmmaker, the other a scholarly adviser (who sometimes appeared on camera). The two became close friends, working together for more than 40 years.
William E. Leuchtenburg, a leading scholar of Franklin Roosevelt and the Great Depression, has died at age 102.
One was a filmmaker, the other a scholarly adviser (who sometimes appeared on camera), and the two became close friends, ...
The Gettysburg Film Festival will return May 8-11, with a focus on the legacy of World War II. Here's all to know.
MUHAMMAD ALI  Thursday, January 30, 2025 at 9 pm on WOUB **** Round Three: The Rivalry (1970-1974) Still facing five years in ...
More than a half-century later, a new documentary is calling into question who took it — and the retired Associated Press photographer long credited for the photo insists it was his, while his ...