Mars, once a planet abundant with water, now lies as a barren, arid expanse. Its surface features reveal a history where ...
NASA recently released an overhead view of what appears to be massive kidney beans found on Mars' northern hemisphere. In ...
Mars is home to perhaps the greatest mystery of the Solar System: the so-called Martian dichotomy, which has baffled ...
The ripples within the AMB resistant beds are composed of parallel millimeter-scale laminae that can be traced continuously ...
The surface of Mars features plains, volcanoes (like Olympus Mons), and the vast canyon system Valles Marineris. Geological ...
Mars exploration also inspires people around the world. Missions like the Mars rovers and the recent Ingenuity helicopter ...
The European Space Agency’s (ESA) Mars Express orbiter captured stunning views of a winter wonderland on Mars, but this isn’t ...
Discover the red planet like never before! This month offers a unique opportunity to witness Mars in stunning detail. From ...
Mars will seem to disappear behind the full wolf moon Monday for many sky-gazers. Throughout January, also look up to see ...
Snow dots the Martian landscape in these images from ESA's Mars Express orbiter and NASA's Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter.
Fresh from the excitement of this week’s Wolf Moon, there’s another treat in store for sky-watchers this week, with Mars ...
NASA sees two paths for saving its beleaguered plan to retrieve materials from the Red Planet but won’t choose between them ...