Find out how student loan rules, especially forgiveness programs, may be affected by the presidential transition and what experts advise doing to get ready for the changes.
Mayotte is an exotic and diverse destination that combines stunning marine landscapes, rich culture, and unique experiences.
Crowds in Mayotte vented their frustration at French President Emmanuel Macron, with some booing, as he toured destruction ...
Mayotte, in the Indian Ocean off Africa’s east coast ... Now residents pick their way across a landscape in search of water ...
Amid all the debris and surviving furniture, 42-year-old Mounira Ahmed pointed to the apocalyptic landscape with a circular ... in the overseas territory of Mayotte. They had an unobstructed ...
French President Emmanuel Macron has faced jeers from locals on the cyclone-battered French overseas territory of Mayotte, telling them they should be “happy to be in France, because if it wasn ...
PARIS — French President Emmanuel Macron drew ire this week for comments made on his visit to the overseas region of Mayotte, which is reeling from the aftermath of a tropical cyclone. In a clip ...
Crowds in Mayotte Vent Frustration With Cyclone Response as Macron Tours Devastation MIRERENI, Mayotte (AP) — Crowds in Mayotte vented their frustration at French President Emmanuel Macron ...
Landing over Petite-Terre, Mayotte's smaller island, the level of destruction from Cyclone Chido is immediately apparent.