Unit kartu grafis ini telah datang ke meja pengujian redaksi teknologi Medcom.id, dan kami pun langsung menjajalnya.
Meskipun itu semua masih khayalan cyberpunk, setidaknya kita bisa membayangkan ... kabel ke dalamnya dan membiarkannya terisi daya di meja Kalian yang juga dapat Anda lakukan Manba One dilengkapi ...
Evelyn Parker of Cyberpunk 2077 had big dreams, but Night City had bigger plans for her. Very smart and driven to a fault, she wanted more out of life than what she was given. She aimed to be an ...
The story behind Cyberpunk 2077’s turbulent launch and subsequent redemption remains one of the most compelling narratives in modern gaming. While its release in 2020 was plagued by technical ...
What are the best Cyberpunk 2077 mods? CD Projekt Red released its own REDmod tools for free, allowing everyone to install Cyberpunk 2077 mods through a dedicated client they can download from ...
Our Cyberpunk 2077 guide is your one-stop shop for everything you need to survive Night City and complete V's journey, with Johnny Silverhand (Keanu Reeves) in tow. Cyberpunk 2077 was a highly ...
The Cyberpunk 2077 Delamain Core choices come at the end of a series of side missions called Don't Lose Your Mind. If you've completed all of the Epistrophy missions which take you all over Night ...
Want to know how you can romance Panam Palmer in Cyberpunk 2077? Panam won't appear until you've reached Act 2, but you don't have to worry about missing her. Like Judy Alvarez, another of the ...
PIKIRAN RAKYAT - Pengangkatan Deddy Corbuzier sebagai Staf Khusus Menteri Pertahanan (Stafsus Menhan) pada awal 2025 menjadi sorotan publik. Selain mencuri perhatian karena latar belakangnya sebagai ...
KOMPAS.com - Konferensi Meja Bundar (KMB) adalah pertemuan penting antara delegasi Indonesia, Belanda, dan BFO (Bijeenkomst voor Federaal Overleg) atau Majelis Permusyawaratan Federal, yakni ...