At the start of 2025, with no warning, Microsoft gave its flagship productivity app a name change and a huge price increase.
Learn how to use a Microsoft 365 setting to choose whether to open files in the online or desktop app, giving you full ...
New in recent years is, as you may expect, AI integration. On the web comes in the form of Copilot which works a little like ...
If you're missing some of those features in Windows that Microsoft dropped, you might be able to find a replacement.
You don't need a subscription to get the Microsoft apps you use every day. With a lifetime license to Microsoft Office Pro, ...
Microsoft urges users to upgrade to Windows 11 as key apps like Word, Excel, and PowerPoint will stop receiving updates later ...
Microsoft will drop support for Windows 10 in October 2025, ending over a decade of its popular desktop operating system.
Microsoft has announced that the final day it will offer security support for Word, Excel, and Powerpoint on Windows 10 will ...
In a blog post on Thursday, Microsoft said it’s increasing the price of its Microsoft 365 bundle for consumers by $3 a month.
This raises the price of a Microsoft 365 Personal subscription from $7 a month or $70 a year to $10 and $100; a family ...
The countdown to the end of Windows 10 is officially on, with October 14, 2025, marking the day fans of the beloved operating ...