Aside from their visual appeal, orchids require minimal care — so long as its conditions are met. Here's how to care for ...
There is a rare plant growing in Australia, but it's exact whereabouts have not been revealed. You'll be able to tell what it ...
Your recently imported ornamental tree might have a stowaway spider or lizard hidden in its branches, a recent study warns.
Some people -- and animals -- will go to any lengths to attract ... The pseudo-copulation strategy of the orchid enables it to spread its genes widely. The mimicry is near-perfect.
The Smithsonian Gardens Orchid Collection has over 8,000 specimens from all over the world. It is an invaluable resource for educational programs, exhibitions, and scientific research. Explore a ...
The orchid is long-lived and may take 15 years or more to reach ... and to the prevention of local extinctions of rare plants, animals and ecosystems. Based in Florida, USA, IRC works on conservation ...
Give your orchid a nutritional boost by spritzing its leaves during the growing season with a mixture of 2 tablespoons of Epsom salt to a gallon of water. The magnesium and calcium in the Epsom salt ...