Actors Park Si-eun and Jin Tae-hyun have agreed to donate to recover from the forest fire in Gyeongsangbuk-do. The agency, ...
In SBS 'Dongsang Imong Season 2 - You Are My Destiny' (hereinafter 'Dongsang Imong 2') aired on the 24th, the welcome status ...
Actors Park Si-eun and Jin Tae-hyun, who are overcoming the pain of heritage and adding a positive influence to society, were ...
Park Si-eun and Jin Tae-hyun ran a half marathon together. On the 24th, the SBS broadcast of 'Dongsang Imong 2: You are My Destiny' depicted the couple successfully completing the half marathon.
Park Hyung Sik will be facing a tense reunion with Woo Hyun in “Buried Hearts”! SBS’s “Buried Hearts” tells the story of a man who manages to hack a political slush fund account worth ...
Actor Park Ji-hyun has revealed that she lost 30kg through intense dieting. She also showed Sung Si-kyung her past photos, piquing curiosity. Park appeared as a guest on Sung’s YouTube channel ...