The Madrasah Education Board has postponed the Bengali First Paper test for Dakhil by a day for Easter Sunday. The exam, ...
Tamgha-i-Imtiaz (Military)*Lt Col Qaisar Mushtaq, AC, Lt Col Farhan Ahmar Khan, AC, Lt Col Muhammad Omer Siddiqi, Arty, Lt Col Noman Siraj, Arty, Lt Col Rashid Majeed, Arty, Lt Col Sagheer Arshad, ...
Following officers have been conferred with Sitara-i-Imtiaz (Military) Brig Imran Iqbal, Punjab, Brig Syed Imran Akhtar, ICTO, Brig Zeeshan Faisal Khan, GL, Brig Salman Majeed, PhD, TSO, Brig Rafaqat ...