By attaching video cameras to sea lions' backs, researchers are not only learning about hyper-valuable endangered species habitat, but also expanding on their ability to map the ocean floor.
NOAA officials are looking for a suspect seen using a black 8-inch knife to remove the deceased sea lion's head.
The sea lions are part of a new exhibit and show at the zoo, which spent months coordinating the transfer of the pinnipeds ...
The author writes, “The Children’s Pool is the habitat of sea lions and those animals take precedence over any human inconvenience.” For one thing, they aren’t sea lions — they’re harbor seals, and ...
Stellers are the largest of all sea lions and they have an appetite to match. These giant pinnipeds hunt fish, squid, octopus and, rarely, smaller seals. They are found off northern Pacific coasts ...
made her public debut Tuesday in the Rocky Shores seal and sea lion habitat. Born on June 6, Pepper now weighs 31 pounds and ...
What bill proponents see as “overpopulation” has actually been a reoccupation of territory that no one living remembers as sea lion habitat. These bills have always originated in the House of ...
A baby sea lion toting an artificial kelp strip has been filmed performing intricate rhythmic gymnastics-esque circles ...
At least 14 sick sea lions have been spotted on the shores of Malibu this week, prompting concerns they have fallen ill from toxic algae. “Do not interact directly with animals such as sea lions ...