As with any music and production ... There’s nothing quite like the sound of a vocoder, but the talkbox – being only available in a hardware form – can sound organic and authentic ...
Music synthesizers were popular for example ... [Julian] has been trying to build a vocoder from that era from ETI magazine. Along the way, he’s making videos documenting what he’s found ...
The undeniable fact is that many of these processed elements have become intrinsically linked with certain styles of music ..
The MELP (Mixed-Excitation Linear Predictive) Vocoder Algorithm is the 2400 bps Federal Standard speech coder. The selection test concentrated on four areas: intelligibility, voice quality, talker ...
MELPe implements a variable low bit rate vocoder that supports multiple rates of 600 bps, 1200 bps, and 2400 bps. It uses the MELP sampling rate of 8,000 kHz as well as the original frame size of 22.5 ...