Renowned filmmaker Rohit Shetty will produce a biopic on Rakesh Maria, Mumbai's former Joint Police Commissioner. John Abraham will portray Maria, known for solving the 1993 Bombay blasts and 26/ ...
While he is directing Golmaal 5 next, we hear that Rohit Shetty is all set to produce a film based on the life of real life hero Rakesh Maria. According to reliable sources, Rohit Shetty has a ...
It’s 2025, and once again, unmarried couples are being turned away at the inn door. OYO Rooms, once a go-to for ...
And now, we have exclusively learnt that John Abraham is set to play the part of Indian Police Officer, Rakesh Maria in his biopic. According to sources close to the development, a biopic on the ...
I was coordinating that. Rakesh Maria was the additional commissioner of police at that time. I was speaking to Rakesh about the whole thing and he coordinated it. I have a couple of them.
Season 3 Africa’s elite are back to the glitz, gossip, and cutting shade of their opulent inner circle, where luxury meets ...
Best Director: Brady Corbet for The Brutalist is seen as a likely winner. Best Performance by an Actor in a Motion Picture – ...
When the internet first arrived, early adopters needed to learn HTML if they wanted to have a website, recalls Rakesh Malhotra ... to do it is awesome.” Maria Korolov is an award-winning ...
Bollywood action hero John Abraham, who has impressed in action-packed films like Force and Batla House, will reportedly play celebrated Indian Police Officer Rakesh Maria in a biopic. According ...