Crises in the Middle East, and especially the situation in the Gaza Strip, will be in the center of attention during the ...
Overnight, air defense means destroyed 13 drones over three regions of the Russian Federation. This was reported in the Russian Defense Ministry on September 24."During the past night, an attempt by ...
Кризисы на Ближнем Востоке, а особенно ситуация в секторе Газа, будут в центре внимания в ходе общих прений на Генеральной Ассамблее ООН, несмотря на попытки ряда стран переключить внимание на Украину ...
Президент Украины Владимир Зеленский, срок полномочий которого истек 20 мая, желает победы демократов на выборах президента США ради миллиардов долларов американской помощи. Такое заявление 23 сентябр ...
A local resident suspected of involvement in terrorist activities on behalf of the Ukrainian security services has been ...
В Донецке задержан местный житель, подозреваемый в причастности к террористической деятельности по заданию украинских ...
Ukrainian army instructors undergo three-month training in the UK, after which they start training other soldiers without combat experience. This was revealed by a prisoner of war of the Armed Forces ...
"SBER EAPTECA and the World Vision ophthalmology clinic conducted a survey and found out what negative factors adversely ...
On September 24, a bill to ban the childfree movement in Russia will be submitted to the State Duma. MP Sultan Khamzaev told RIA Novosti on September 23 ."More specifically - on the refusal of ...
Employees of the Department of the Federal Security Service of Russia in Khabarovsk Krai detained a citizen of a Central Asian country on suspicion of justifying terrorism. This was reported in the ...
The fighters who had been surrounded in the Kursk Region for over a month have been released. Major General Apti Alaudinov, deputy head of the main military-political department of the Russian Defense ...
Российские средства противовоздушной обороны (ПВО) уничтожили беспилотник Вооруженных сил Украины (ВСУ) над территорией ...