Being a digital-first firm, embracing digital transformation has been pivotal for us. These changes have brought significant benefits, from efficiency to improved client satisfaction and business ...
Rebecca Benneyworth MBE BSc FCA, Tax consultant and lecturer / Beyond quarterly reporting, MTD's wider benefit is HMRC's ability to ...
Annette Pettitt, Director at Leigh Park Accountancy Lt/ For over a decade, I have fully embraced the use of going digital, and my ...
Abul Nurujjaman ACCA, Accountant at Taj Accountants, Vice President at the British Bangladesh Chamber of Commerce & Industry, ...
When an antique dealer buys multiple different items for one price, eg from a house clearance, how do they measure the cost of each item? Dividing price by ...
I bought an old farmhouse 10 years ago with an attached barn.  We converted the barn into a holiday let and it has been let for the last 5 years.  We ...
New client: limited company, 2 directors (wife and husband), no employees, only dividends have ever been taken.
I have a company set up where a company is leasing a shop with a flat above it. The flat is then subleased to one of the shareholders who rent it out ...
Why aren't these so-called "freebie" benefits caught by this? Charitable chairman caught out by employment-related benefits | AccountingWEB ...
Dear Aweb community, A client of mine moved to Spain about a year ago. He's now decided he is not coming back to the UK.
Long story short - a client got involved in one of these really stupid tax schemes when he was a big earner (before we represented him).
In /Go City Limited vs HMRC [1]/, the first tier tribunal (FTT) couldn’t see the attraction in HMRC’s four assessments of a ...