The image of the classic nature volunteer – an older man with binoculars and a passion for nature conservation – no longer ...
Plants in the shade utilize more light for photosynthesis than previously thought. A team of researchers from Utrecht ...
Plants in the shade utilize more light for photosynthesis than previously thought. A team of researchers from Utrecht University and Wageningen University & Research (WUR) describe how, in the ...
The image of the classic nature volunteer – an older man with binoculars and a passion for nature conservation – no longer seems to hold true. A recent study by Wageningen University & Research shows ...
The image of the classic nature volunteer – an older man with binoculars and a passion for nature conservation – no longer seems to hold true. A recent study by Wageningen University & Research shows ...
08-SEP-2018 - In conventional farming most attention goes out to quality of planting material, soil quality, fertilisation, weed control and similar aspects. Surprisingly little attention is being ...
03-JUL-2018 - Our ecological knowledge used to end where the soil begins. That's slowly changing, but there are still some soil creatures we know very little about. Protists, for example. These tiny, ...
12-JUN-2018 - Scientists can predict which storks will migrate to Africa in autumn and which will remain in Europe. For little Louis, it is the most exciting day of his life: just six or seven weeks ...
Komt mijn vrouw thuis met boodschappen uit de buurtsuper, heeft ze in haar hand een Ridderzwam. Gevonden in een plantsoen vlak voor de ingang van de supermarkt waarvan ik, uiteraard, de naam niet mag ...