“Updated guidance for the public service will make clear that working from home is not an entitlement and must be agreed and monitored,” Ms Willis says.
A recently released Treasury briefing reveals that Louise Upston, Minister for Child Poverty Reduction, rejected official advice that would get New Zealand back on track to meet the 2028 target of ...
Greenpeace spokesperson Will Appelbe says "While the health of lakes and rivers in New Zealand is worsening, Luxon’s government is moving ahead with reckless plans to scrap freshwater protections and ...
Health Minister Dr Shane Reti says urgent action is being taken to restrict the sale of nitrous oxide and welcomes new advice from Medsafe highlighting tougher penalties if sold for recreational ...
A woman’s rights to make a choice and give informed consent to a procedure were breached when her right fallopian tube was removed during a procedure to remove her left ovary and fallopian tube, said ...
A disability service provider has been referred to the Director of Proceedings to investigate if further legal action should be taken. The Deputy Health and Disability Commissioner said there was ...
Ms McDowell found that, while surgery was an appropriate treatment option, the urologist breached the Code for failing to ensure the man was adequately informed | whakamōhio and, therefore it followed ...
The report concerns an ophthalmologist who breached Right 6(1) and 7 (1) of the Code for failing to provide information about his COVID-19 vaccination status to a consumer which prevented that person ...
The RCGP's governing UK Council has today voted to oppose a role for Physician Associates working in general practice. The outcome of the vote was 61% of Council Members agreeing to oppose the role of ...
People with untreated ADHD are having their lives cut short by an average of 13 years, yet the worst affected are the least ...
The crisis in aged care is not limited to New Zealand. The Australian government has just completed a review of the sector and adopted the aged care taskforce’s 23 recommendations. One major change is ...
However, there is a way to alleviate the capacity problems in Whanganui: support GPs to do more and better work. The New Zealand Herald reported this week that Health New Zealand Te Whatu Ora has ...