Boeing wants to double the 787 Dreamliner manufacturing rate to 10 a month by 2026 and is committing to invest $1 billion to expand North Charleston, South Carolina, its plant where it will ...
Boeing is aiming to boost its 787 Dreamliner production by expanding operations in South Carolina with a $1 billion infrastructure investment. The company announced in a news release on Thursday ...
12月11日,南航C919飞机将首飞广州⇌海口“南航快线”航班。16日起,定期执飞海口⇌广州航线。 本周早些时候,东航也分别于12月3日和12月4日,连续开通了两条C919航线,分别是“上海虹桥 ...
IT之家12 月 7 日消息,自 12 月 3 日起,东航、南航两大航司接连宣布三条国产大飞机 C919 新运营航线的开通,C919 累计通航点将达到 10 座城市。 12 月 3 日,由中国东航最新引进的第九架 C919 执飞 ...
党建兴则事业兴,党建强则事业强。中国南方航空集团有限公司(以下简称“南航集团”)各级党组织以习近平新时代中国特色社会主义思想为指导,认真贯彻习近平文化思想和习近平总书记 ...
The Boeing 787’s unique parts have led to challenges in providing component support services. Credit: AFI KLM E&M The Boeing 787 has served as a cornerstone for airlines seeking to optimize ...
据外媒报道,美联航已向美国交通部提交申请,计划于2025年5月1日起执行洛杉矶-北京首都的航班,每周三班,使用波音787-9执行。 美联航目前仅运营旧金山至北京的航线。另一家直飞洛杉矶至 ...
Foran told FlightGlobal the first pair of retrofitted 787s will likely be seen on the Auckland-Vancouver route, along with a short hop to Rarotonga in the Cook Islands; more destinations will be added ...
Air New Zealand expects to operate seven Boeing 787-9s with new cabin interiors by end-2025, as retrofit works on its first aircraft continue apace. Airline chief Greg Foran, speaking to reporters ...
《中国民航报》、中国民航网 记者田以丹 通讯员潘睿浪 报道:11月27日,一架南航CZ2529全货机航班从广州白云机场腾空而起,带着国内优质的跨境电商产品直抵伦敦。随着全球电商市场的 ...