Actor Ajith Kumar and his wife Shalini's son, Aadvik, won three medals in sprinting and relay race during sports day at school. Shalini shared a video on her Instagram page.
Ajith Kumar also penned a note for his wife Shalini. He said that her “partnership has been a joy and cornerstone of my ...
Ajith Kumar and Shalinis son, Aadvik, impressed at his schools sports event, winning three medals in sprint and relay races.
Tamil superstar Ajith is not only an A-list actor, but also an accomplished F1 racer. His son, Aadvik, seems to be following in his footsteps.
Tamil star Ajith Kumar has expressed his gratitude after being awarded the Padma Bhushan. He credits the recognition to the ...
Ajith Kumar kissed wife Shalini after scoring 2 wins at the 24H Dubai 2025. One video captured by a fan present there shows Ajith smiling wide as he walks towards Shalini, kisses her and hugs her ...
Actor Ajith Kumar, recently honored with the Padma Bhushan award, expressed his deep gratitude and shared an emotional ...
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After his victory, Ajith proudly waved the Indian flag, with his wife Shalini and actor R Madhavan cheering him on from the sidelines. Congratulatory messages flooded in for Ajith from both ...
Shalini Ajith wife of actor Ajith Kumar took to social media to post a video of their son Aadvik winning a school sports ...