Apex predators attract a special kind of fascination; also called "super predators," they sit at the top of the food chain, unquestionably the most dominant members of the animal kingdom.
The Jacksonville area has well over 200 species of birds. The number varies depending on the season, and many are found along ...
When you think of America, one of the first things you think of is the Bald Eagle, right? But did you know it wasn't our ...
A bald eagle was illegally shot and killed near Lake Pend Oreille, and Idaho Fish and Game officials are seeking info about ...
The lead ingested by an eagle that recently died, and other scavengers, comes from ammunition used in the deer hunt.
Rachel Carson’s “Silent Spring” connected disappearing populations of bald eagles to the presence of the pesticide DDT in the ...
After a week of care at Calgary Wildlife, one of nature’s apex predators, a bald eagle, was released to close out 2024. The bird of prey was discovered near the Glenmore Reservoir on a chilly ...