As the crime drama series 'Chidiya Udd' prepares to launch on Amazon MX Player on January 15, the stars of the show, including Jackie Shroff, Bhoomika Meena, and Sikandar Kher, opened up in a ...
Story: The series follows Seher (Bhoomika Meena), a young woman forced to flee Rajasthan after an unexpected incident lands her in trouble. She seeks refuge in Mumbai’s notorious red-light ...
Based on Aabid Surti's critically acclaimed novel Cages, Chidiya Udd follows a young woman, Seher (Bhoomika Meena), struggling in the world of prostitution. Amazon MX Player dropped a trailer for the ...
Dropped by the streamer on Wednesday, the one-minute-56-second-long video also features Bhoomika Meena, Sikandar Kher, Madhur Mittal, Mayur More and Mita Vashisht. “Iss dhandhe mein dusra mauka nahi ...
Chidiya Udd is a crime drama series starring Jackie Shroff, Bhoomika Meena, Sikandar Kher, and Madhur Mittal, among others. The series explores themes of survival, the complexity of human nature ...
Actor Bhoomika Meena has captivated audiences with her latest role in the Amazon MX Player series Chidiya Udd where she ...
Fans and photographers mobbed him for selfies, while his `Chidiya Udd` co-stars Sikander Kher and Bhoomika Meena joined him and shared a laugh. Jackie Shroff was last seen in Varun Dhawan`s ...
Amazon’s free streaming service, Amazon MX Player, has unveiled the official trailer for its upcoming crime drama series Chidiya Udd. Based on Aabid Surti’s critically acclaimed novel Cages ...
Directed by Ravi Jadhav and produced by Harman Baweja and Vicky Bahri, the series features a cast that includes Bhoomika Meena, Sikandar Kher, Madhur Mittal, Mayur More, and Mita Vashisht.